Biochemistry, Structural biochemistry and Bioinformatics.
KemiKONSULT can help you with most of your problems concerning the structure and dynamics of proteins. A specialty of ours is to automate vast computational work flows for which we use the partially in house developed software library BisKit.
Johan Leckner has a background as a researcher both at the Pasteur Institute in Paris and at Chalmers University of Technology in Göteborg. His research field was biochemistry, and then especially structural biochemistry and structural bioinformatics. His long experience within this area of expertise is available for solving your problems.
Example of some common problems that we can help you with:
- Homology modelling of proteins
- Analyze the structural relationship of proteins
- Identify structurally or functionally important positions in the amino acid sequence.
- Predict protein-protein interactions
- Other structurally related questions
For more information or if you have any questions please contact us.
More about Johan Leckner's research is available on his private homepage.